Presidential Bangers for Biden
An Irreverent playlist to help you celebrate Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Back in Black — AC/DC
Joe Biden has been in and out of politics for the last 50 years, and has previously been Vice President, so it is only fitting that this AC/DC thumper kicks off the playlist to welcome him back to the White House.
Grandpa (Tell me ’Bout the Good Old Days)— The Judds
Grandpa Joe is going to become the US’s Grandpa in chief, so this laid back tune should give all the Grandfather feels for the next 4 years.
Pick up the Pieces — Average White Band
This song made it onto the official Biden/Harris playlist, so its only right that its on this one. As well as being a fantastic instrumental piece, the cutting message is obvious for the post-Trump legacy.
Dreams — Fleetwood Mac
Unlikely hit TikTok sensation Nathan Apodaca will reportedly be taking part in the virtual inauguration parade after his Fleetwood Mac skateboarding video, so here is the piece in full.
The Winner Takes It All — ABBA
So long Trump. ‘Nuff said.
Orange Wedge — The Chemical Brothers
See above. Bubi Orange monster. And it bangs.
Keep Moving Forward — Stevie Wonder
Joe Biden will no doubt want to make movements towards a hopefully and optimistic future in America, last seen when he was VP to Barack Obama. Stevie Wonder released this song for Obama’s last presidential run, so it fits well for Biden’s turn, and is a complete bop. (not available on Spotify, sorry)
Born to Run — Bruce Springsteen
Joe Biden apparently loves to work out to this upbeat Springsteen banger. Pun not missed it is still a banger, and you are allowed to get your air guitar out on this occasion.
The Edge Of Glory — Lady GaGa
Lady GaGa will be singing the national anthem, so here is a suitably fitting GaGa tune.
(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher & Higher — Jackie Wilson
Another one lifted from the Biden/Harris playlist, this Jackie Wilson classic should have you dancing around your lockdown kitchen wherever you are in the world, and fill you with optimism.
Listen to the whole playlist here:
Sam Marshall is a freelance musician, writer and reviewer based in SW UK.